Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Twitter Interview with LinkedIn Lawyer David Barrett

Many thanks to Lance Godard of The Godard Group for including me as the 22nd interviewee in his creative Twitter interview series, "22 Tweets - Real Time Twitter Interviews with Lawyers Who Tweet."

Godard uses a series of questions posed via Twitter and a threaded conversation hashtag (#22twts) to allow his subjects to tell the story of their law practice.

You can click here for the full interview with LinkedIn Lawyer David Barrett.

Godard includes particular questions about law practice, and more broad questions about the legal profession as a whole. As patterns emerge, he is able to bring together the common views of his interviewees.

Godard proves that Twitter is only as innovative and powerful as we are, and that this rather simple internet interface has significant creative potential.

Follow David Barrett on Twitter here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

This Week's LinkedIn Lawyer "Top Tweets" - Top of June Edition

Twitter is a free and easy-to-use "micro-blogging" site that allows you to send and receive short updates from multiple users. David Barrett, The LinkedIn Lawyer is "Twittering" -- follow me here -- and keep up to date with news about Web 2.0 social media and the legal profession, with a particular focus on LinkedIn.

Here are the "Top Tweets" from the last week (partially as tracked with Tweetburner).
David A. Barrett's Recent Most Popular Twitter Messages

"Top Tweets"

@barrettdavid proud to be on "20 Twitterers Lawyers Should Follow on Twitter" - (via @GinaRubel)

Most Influential "lawyer" Tweeting @ABAJournal @lawtweets @barrettdavid @rex7 @gma_news -

How To Be A Rainmaker In 2009: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook & Blogs -

The Anatomy of a Twitter Tweet - Twitter Basics for Lawyers on The LinkedIn Lawyer blog -

6 Keys to Becoming a Recognized Expert in less than 180 Days - (by @StephenFairley)

Rainmaker Institute Law Firm Marketing Newsletters - (by @StephenFairley)

Found JDSupra: Emotional Intelligence for Lawyers (best lawyers are people smart who understand and manage emotions)

Twitter for Lawyers - (via @Pistachio) "There’s a growing body of articles about Twitter for Attorneys ..."

Free E-Book "Top 10 Marketing Mistakes Attorneys Make and How to Avoid Them" (by @StephenFairley)

15 People All Securities and Corporate Litigators Should Follow on Twitter - (by @SecuritiesD)

The Web 2.0 Revolution: Lawyer Marketing fuses with Social Media -

5 Tips to Grow Your Twitter Presence - (via @problogger)

4 Myths Attorneys Believe About Referrals - (via @StephenFairley)

The Rainmaker Retreat - San Francisco and Las Vegas - 2 Day Marketing Boot Camp for Small Law Firms

Web 2.0 and David Barrett in the Maryland Bar Bulletin -

Any Tweeps out there using Hummingbird for Twitter?

RT @TotalAttorneys: Crain's Chicago Business Fast Fifty - # 2 - Total Attorneys!! (via @edscanlan)

Daily reminder: take 5 mins to reply/retweet others. Nothing about you. Engage, interact, build. (via @unmarketing)

RT @BostonBar 100 Twitter Sites for Law Students and Twitter Newbies (via @OklahomaBar)

RT @Law_Practice JDSupra: It's Time to Teach Marketing and Sales in Law School (via @AdvertisingLaw)

Web of Justice?: Jurors' Use of Social Media - #lawyer #law

Find David Barrett on Twitter @barrettdavid