Facebook Fan pages (aka "Business Pages") are one of the most successful ways lawyers and law firms can establish a presence on Facebook. Although Facebook has modified its Terms of Service to allow for "(non-)personal use" a law firm profile set up as a Facebook personal profile is awkward for a few reasons.
First, such use may be construed as a violation of the terms of service and without warning Facebook could shut down all of these accounts, and all the friends and work put into building such Facebook pages would be lost.
Second, the personal connection inherent in social media is lost. Is there a person behind that curtain? Does this law firm answer messages or Facebook chat? Who exactly are we speaking with?
Third, a Facebook strategy that utilizes personal profiles for attorneys, business pages for the law firm, as well as Facebook groups achieves a much more robust presence on Facebook. This arrangement also allows for attorneys to feed content to and from the law firm page, as appropriate for the particular personal or group network.
Here you may find an example of my Facebook "Fan Page" or "Business Page".
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